Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So Mad He Could Spit

Dear reader,

Tonight, I've had the blinders removed for a split second.
I don't claim to know more than anyone else... I am only 19, and know better than to submit that I know everything.
But I do know a few things... and those few grains of knowledge are enough to make me infuriated with my peers... particularly a good majority of those that I know well.

Hypocrisy sincerely bothers me.
And I see it entirely too much in those that are in my age bracket.

You tell me you're a Christian?
I'm to the point where I want to look a good few of some of those who I have grown up with in the eye and say "Prove it to me via action rather than just saying that you are."

I see no lasting passion... I see a temporary spiritual high that is fueled by a moving worship service and a great message.

The biggest question I have that I want to scream more often than not is what is the point?

I just cannot believe its to succeed in the world.
The world is supposed to hate me... not to praise me for my advances within it's self.

What are you doing to prove that you are worth being hated?

When I focus on me... the insignificant problems become overwhelming.
The tears over mistakes come far too often...
I feel trapped and chained.

When I lift my eyes up to meet God, my Father, the hurts and the pains and the chains dissolve and are so worth every ounce of discomfort they possess.
I don't live for anything other than what God wants of me.
My main goal is what can I do for Him? What can I do to show the world that He's worth everything I've got to give and more?

I'm really sick and tired of seeing my generation so focussed on themselves.
I'm tired of seeing my own friends professing great abundance in faith... yet not seeing the fruit of that faith.
Where's the joy? Where's the love? Where's the self-control?

I KNOW I don't have it dialed in...
but when you can look yourself in the eye... when you can talk to a friend and be real, like really really real... when you can pray without the twinge of guilt looming in the corner...
that is when you can begin to know that you've got the ability to confront those who aren't doing it right.
When God whispers His Word into your soul right at the right time... its then you know that you've got the ability to smack people upside the head with it.

"So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."- Rev. 3:16

All I've got to say is come on friends... get it together.
Grow up into the men and women you are called to be... and actually do something to BECOME that person.
I'm tired of hearing "I'm on fire for God" and not seeing the smoke or feeling the heat.

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