Fallout, as defined by Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, is a secondary and often lingering effect, result, or set of consequences.
I find myself in fallout circumstances more often than not. As I stand in the shoes of a creative intellectual, I often times find myself with an array of thoughts that I wish I could express and discuss with others. Being a bible scholar, and an individual with a personal relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ, my thoughts are often times spurred by my conversations with Christ and the convictions that I experience through those conversations. Though, I do, at times go off on topics that have no relevance to biblical thoughts whatsoever... but I whole-heartedly believe that writing like that is sometimes more God-honoring than any biblical blog could be.
Thanks for sending me the link! Have fun with this, I can't wait to see it develop!
Excited to get your link! You go girl!
The entire Buckley family is honored to have you as an example to all of us. You are courageous enough to share your personal convictions and stand behind the choices that you make, in the name of Jesus, both humbly and with grace. God bless you!
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